Monthly Archives: April 2019


Cycling is also referred to as biking or bicycling, and it is basically the use of bicycles for sport, recreation, transport or exercise. Individuals who take part in cycling are known as cyclists and bikers. Less often, they are referred to as bicyclists. In the 19th century, bicycles came into inception, and since then it has evolved both in variety and function. In some parts of the world, they are the basic means of transportation.

Cycling is known to be an efficacious and productive means of transportation, and it works well for not-too short distances. The health benefits which cycling brings, are far greater than the risks attached to it. A study has shown that cycling has the capacity to extend the lifespan of an individual by 14 months.

Cycling is one of the means of keeping fit and remaining healthy alongside. When this is done on a regular basis, you can be sure that you would be protected from a good number of diseases such as stroke, diabetes, heart problems, mental problems, cancer and the likes.

Cycling is one of the best means to step down the risk of coming down with health problems which are most likely common with those that live an inactive lifestyle. It is a low-impact healthy exercise which people of all ages can enjoy, and it is cost-effective.

Cycling is a good means of carrying out muscle workout. For those who cannot afford to go to the gym, or probably there is really no time to visit the gym, undergoing cycling could be a very productive way of ensuring that your muscles are in good shape.

Also, it is a very easy sport which is so effortless to learn. There is really no need to acquire any form of physical skill, as all you need do, is to learn how to ride once or twice, and you are good to go.

You can also be sure that you would have enhanced strength alongside with stamina. When you ride your bicycle on a regular basis, you would get stronger. In addition to this, cycling increases cardiovascular fitness, it also reduces stress levels, anxiety and depression.

Mores, cycling strengthens your bones, and it improves your posture and coordination as well.


For you to be regarded as an individual who is fit and healthy, there is a need for you to be physically active. Going through physical activity implies that you are building your system to aid you in defeating serious diseases which include: health disease, cancer, obesity, mental problems, arthritis and diabetes.

When you ride your bicycle on a regular basis, you can be sure that you are helping yourself to combat and also reduce the risk of coming down with any of the aforementioned health problems which are connected with having a sedentary lifestyle.

Cycling is basically a healthy and low-impact form of exercise which gives fun to people of all ages. It is also cost-effective, fun and safe for the environment. When you ride to work or school sometimes, it is very effective in merging your daily routine of exercise and also your regular routine.

Below are the benefits of cycling on a regular basis:

  • Low impact: Cycling ensures that less strain and injuries are caused, which is better than other forms of exercise
  • Effective muscle workout: When you cycle, it ensures that the major parts of your muscle contributes to the pedalling, hence, acting as an effective form of exercise.
  • Easy: With difference to other form of sports, there is really no need for any physical skill when cycling. A good number of people know how to cycle, and the interesting part is, once you learn it, it is impossible to forget.
  • Great for stamina and strength: Another benefit which cycling brings is, it is very good for achieving stamina and strength. It is also effective for aerobic fitness.
  • Pace-dependent: Another lovely feature of cycling is, it can be done at your own pace. Hence, if you want it to be intense, it is left to you.
  • Saves time: Cycling helps you to save a great deal of time. Instead of having to sit all through during traffic, cycling ensures that you are always working out, thus ensuring a form of healthy exercise.
  • Reduces anxiety and depression: Cycling on a regular basis, is also known to reduce stress levels, by stepping down depression and anxiety.